Class Pattern

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractListField, BlockField, ColorField, CompositeField, Dispatcher, DrivebyHashMigration, DynamicModel, EnumMapField, EnumSetField, FeatureField, Hash, HashConstraint, History, Importer, JavaView, MapField, MediaPath, MoneyField, MultiItemField, NestedHashMigration, PartOf, PasswordLimiter, PasswordRecovery, PriceField, RangeField, Schedule, Serializer, SetField, Singleton, TypeField, UniqueHashedMedia

public abstract class Pattern extends Feature
A common super class for all patterns.

Patterns should be constructable in three different ways:

1) by an explicit external source
This is the most verbose kind of defining a pattern. First the source for the pattern is created, such as:
static final StringField source = new StringField(OPTIONAL)
Then the pattern ist created using the previously defined source:
static final Hash hash = new MD5Hash(source)
2) by an implicit external source
More concisely the pattern can be constructed by defining the source implicitely when the defining the pattern itself:
static final Hash hash = new MD5Hash(new StringField(OPTIONAL))
3) by an internal source
Finally, the construction of the source can be done the the pattern itself:
static final Hash hash = new MD5Hash(OPTIONAL)
Ralf Wiebicke
See Also: