Class Check


public final class Check extends Object
  • Method Details

    • requireGreaterZero

      public static int requireGreaterZero(int value, String name)
    • requireGreaterZero

      public static long requireGreaterZero(long value, String name)
    • requireNonNegative

      public static int requireNonNegative(int value, String name)
    • requireNonNegative

      public static long requireNonNegative(long value, String name)
    • requireAtLeast

      public static <E extends Comparable<E>> E requireAtLeast(E value, String name, E minimum)
    • requireNonEmpty

      public static String requireNonEmpty(String value, String name)
    • requireNonEmptyAndCopy

      public static <T> T[] requireNonEmptyAndCopy(T[] value, String name)
      Besides checking the value, this method returns a copy of the given value to avoid later modifications of the value by the caller.
    • requireNonEmptyAndCopy

      public static String[] requireNonEmptyAndCopy(String[] value, String name)
      Besides checking the value, this method returns a copy of the given value to avoid later modifications of the value by the caller.