Interface Settable<E>

All Known Subinterfaces:
CheckingSettable<E>, HashInterface
All Known Implementing Classes:
BooleanField, ColorField, CompositeField, DataField, DateField, DayField, DoubleField, DrivebyHashMigration, EnumField, EnumMapField, EnumSetField, FeatureField, Field, FunctionField, Hash, IntegerField, ItemField, LimitedListField, LongField, MD5Hash, Media, MessageDigestHash, MoneyField, MultiItemField, NestedHashMigration, NumberField, PriceField, RangeField, Serializer, SHAHash, StringField, TypeField, UniqueHashedMedia

public interface Settable<E>
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    execute(E value, Item exceptionItem)
    Set<Class<? extends Throwable>>
    Returns the exceptions possibly thrown, when setting a value for this settable.
    Returns true, if a value for the settable can be specified on the creation of an item only, thus cannot be modified later.
    Returns true, if a value for the settable should be specified on the creation of an item.
    default SetValue<E>
    map(E value)
    All implementations of this method should return {@link SetValue#map(Feature, Object),value)}.
  • Method Details

    • map

      default SetValue<E> map(E value)
      All implementations of this method should return {@link SetValue#map(Feature, Object),value)}.
    • execute

      SetValue<?>[] execute(E value, Item exceptionItem)
    • isFinal

      boolean isFinal()
      Returns true, if a value for the settable can be specified on the creation of an item only, thus cannot be modified later.
    • isMandatory

      boolean isMandatory()
    • getInitialType

      Type getInitialType()
    • isInitial

      boolean isInitial()
      Returns true, if a value for the settable should be specified on the creation of an item.
    • getInitialExceptions

      Set<Class<? extends Throwable>> getInitialExceptions()
      Returns the exceptions possibly thrown, when setting a value for this settable.