Interface StringFunction

All Superinterfaces:
Function<String>, Selectable<String>, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:
AsStringView, BindStringFunction, StringField, StringView, UppercaseView

public interface StringFunction extends Function<String>
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • bind

      default BindStringFunction bind(Join join)
      Specified by:
      bind in interface Function<String>
    • like

      default LikeCondition like(String value)
      Returns a condition, that is true for all items, if and only if the value of this function for that item is matches the given parameter.
    • startsWith

      default LikeCondition startsWith(String value)
      Returns a condition, that is true for all items, if and only if the value of this function for that item starts with the given parameter.
    • endsWith

      default LikeCondition endsWith(String value)
      Returns a condition, that is true for all items, if and only if the value of this function for that item ends with the given parameter.
    • contains

      default LikeCondition contains(String value)
      Returns a condition, that is true for all items, if and only if the value of this function for that item contains the given parameter.
    • length

      default LengthView length()
    • toUpperCase

      default UppercaseView toUpperCase()
    • equalIgnoreCase

      default Condition equalIgnoreCase(String value)
    • likeIgnoreCase

      default LikeCondition likeIgnoreCase(String value)
    • startsWithIgnoreCase

      default LikeCondition startsWithIgnoreCase(String value)
    • endsWithIgnoreCase

      default LikeCondition endsWithIgnoreCase(String value)
    • containsIgnoreCase

      default LikeCondition containsIgnoreCase(String value)