Interface Function<E>

All Superinterfaces:
Selectable<E>, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:
ItemFunction<E>, NumberFunction<E>, StringFunction
All Known Implementing Classes:
AsStringView, BindFunction, BindItemFunction, BindNumberFunction, BindStringFunction, BooleanField, CoalesceView, DateField, DayField, DayPartView, DivideView, DoubleField, EnumField, FunctionField, IntegerField, ItemField, LengthView, LongField, MinusView, MultiplyLiteralView, MultiplyView, NumberField, NumberView, PlusLiteralView, PlusView, Random, StringField, StringView, This, UppercaseView, View

public interface Function<E> extends Selectable<E>
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • get

      E get(Item item)
    • get

      default E get(FieldValues item)
    • isNull

      default IsNullCondition<E> isNull()
      Returns a condition, that is true for all items, if and only if the value of this function for that item is null.
    • isNotNull

      default IsNullCondition<E> isNotNull()
      Returns a condition, that is true for all items, if and only if the value of this function for that item is not null.
    • equal

      default Condition equal(E value)
      Returns a condition, that is true for all items, if and only if the value of this function for that item is equal to the given parameter.
    • equal

      default Condition equal(Join join, E value)
    • in

      default Condition in(E... values)
    • in

      default Condition in(Collection<? extends E> values)
    • notEqual

      default Condition notEqual(E value)
    • less

      default CompareCondition<E> less(E value)
      Returns a condition, that is true for all items, if and only if the value of this function for that item is less than the given parameter.
    • lessOrEqual

      default CompareCondition<E> lessOrEqual(E value)
      Returns a condition, that is true for all items, if and only if the value of this function for that item is not greater than the given parameter.
    • greater

      default CompareCondition<E> greater(E value)
      Returns a condition, that is true for all items, if and only if the value of this function for that item is greater than the given parameter.
    • greaterOrEqual

      default CompareCondition<E> greaterOrEqual(E value)
      Returns a condition, that is true for all items, if and only if the value of this function for that item is not less than the given parameter.
    • between

      default Condition between(E lowerBound, E upperBound)
      Returns a condition, that is equivalent to greaterOrEqual(lowerBound).and(lessOrEqual(upperBound)).
    • equal

      default CompareFunctionCondition<E> equal(Function<? extends E> right)
      Returns a condition, that is true for all items, if and only if the value of this function for that item is equal to the value of the right function.
    • notEqual

      default CompareFunctionCondition<E> notEqual(Function<? extends E> right)
      Returns a condition, that is true for all items, if and only if the value of this function for that item is not equal to the value of the right function.
    • less

      default CompareFunctionCondition<E> less(Function<? extends E> right)
      Returns a condition, that is true for all items, if and only if the value of this function for that item is less than the value of the right function.
    • lessOrEqual

      default CompareFunctionCondition<E> lessOrEqual(Function<? extends E> right)
      Returns a condition, that is true for all items, if and only if the value of this function for that item is not greater than the value of the right function.
    • greater

      default CompareFunctionCondition<E> greater(Function<? extends E> right)
      Returns a condition, that is true for all items, if and only if the value of this function for that item is greater than the value of the right function.
    • greaterOrEqual

      default CompareFunctionCondition<E> greaterOrEqual(Function<? extends E> right)
      Returns a condition, that is true for all items, if and only if the value of this function for that item is not less than the value of the right function.
    • min

      default ExtremumAggregate<E> min()
    • max

      default ExtremumAggregate<E> max()
    • any

      default Aggregate<E> any()
      BEWARE: This aggregate works on MySQL 5.7 or later only. See ANY_VALUE.
    • bind

      default BindFunction<E> bind(Join join)